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Personal Mission

It is my desire to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be successful in their chosen educational goals by leading, nurturing and developing successful student programs.

Leadership Philosophy

I believe that each faculty and staff member that I work with brings a unique set of experiences and knowledge which contributes to the team. It is my desire to provide faculty with the resources and strategies to successfully help students succeed. To accomplish this goal I aspire to the following qualities of a good leader:

An effective leader must be genuine. This includes a self-awareness of personal strengths, weaknesses and values. In addition, he or she must hold true to those values.

Observant - communicative
Good leaders observe, listen and communicate. Communication fosters a trust relationship with followers. Through this trust relationship, goals, expectations, positive and negative feedback are more likely to be well received.

A supportive leader fosters an environment that provides fairness, recognition of efforts, and appropriate resources so that followers may grow and flourish

Great leaders inspire others by demonstrating their own enthusiasm as well as the solicitation and promotion of the ideas of others.


Teaching Philosophy

I believe that all students entering my classroom are individuals with unique learning styles, motivations and expectations. It is my desire to empower them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be successful in their chosen career paths. For this reason, I aspire to achieve the following qualities of an effective teacher:

Experience has taught me that an effective teacher must be flexible enough to assess a learning situation and change course to meet the needs of the student. Additionally, a teacher must also understand that not all students learn in the same way at the same time. A flexible teacher listens, observes, assesses student needs and adapts.

Students are often hesitant to approach a teacher for the extra guidance that helps them succeed. It is not enough to simply be available. Extra encouragement, multiple modes of accessibility and creating a safe environment to ask questions is valuable to student success.

Some of the greatest learning opportunities occur when a student makes a mistake. Creating a safe environment to practice new knowledge is essential for effective teaching. This requires a relationship of trust between the student and the teacher.

I believe that students are in college with an internal desire to learn and improve life opportunities. It is my responsibility to provide challenging projects that will help them meet those goals. I am accountable for the growth and success of my students.



Cyn Roberts is experienced in journalism, graphic design, marketing, education, and management. She has worked for various employers including the U.S. Navy, MJCC, Norris & Stevens Inc. and the State of Washington. Clients have included local businesses such as NW Boot and Shoe, Sandoval’s Fresh Mexican Grills, Amerigo’s New Foods Grill, Antocade LLC, and Latino Perspective.



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